If you are getting married then we have information for you on Ottawa Wedding Officiants.
When we got married we didn’t know what we were going to do because we didn’t belong to a church. We had no idea that there were actually places that we could hire someone from. We did a search and came across All Seasons (see contact information below). We were happy to find out that they had quite a selection. We read their bios and chose a few that we would prefer. We were very happy with our final decision.
All Seasons Wedding Ceremonies
Aquarius Celebrations
Bryce Healey
Rev. Dave Hunter
Exceptional Ceremonies
Lynne & Keith Langille
Humanist Associaton of Canada
John Hyland
New Beginnings (Alan Gallichan)
Unity Church of Ottawa
Weddings Your Way
Here are a few pointers when looking for Ottawa Wedding Officiants (or Ministers):
- make sure to meet with him/her in advance
- choose special verses or poems that you would like and bring it to your meeting
- tell him/her who will be reading what poems and/or readings and/or verses
- get a copy of the ceremony
- get an emergency number in case anything happens on your wedding day
- you may even want to call to re-confirm with them the week of your wedding (we did and it gave us peace of mind)
And last but not least…
- make sure he/she knows your names!!! Yes, this may sound obvious but if you can believe it, our minister said one of our names incorrectly when he pronounced us husband and wife. It was funny at the time and we still laugh about it now but we would have preferred that it didn’t happen (he would have preferred it too). So, when you see him on your wedding day before the ceremony, a little reminder may be a good idea. Remember that he/she doesn’t really know you very well and mistakes can happen.
You may even be able to call some of the local places of worship to see if they can offer any suggestions. However, if you book far enough in advance then you should be able an Ottawa Wedding Officiant from the list that we provided.
Good luck!
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